Thursday, October 18, 2018

7 Great Reasons to Exercise While Pregnant

Reasons to Exercise While Pregnant

Unfortunately, most pregnant women are scared to exercise because they think they can harm the fetus. Exercising when you are pregnant is actually good for you and your baby, but you should pay attention to what kind of exercise you are going to do. Exercise can reduce high blood pressure, lower your risk of gestational diabetes, control hormones and help you to prepare for labor. But, before starting your fitness program, you should definitely talk to your doctor about exercising during pregnancy and find out all the necessary information and recommendations. Below is the list of some great reasons to exercise when you are pregnant, read on.

1. Strengthen your body and mind

When you exercise, you strengthen your mind and body and prepare your body for labor. A few studies have shown that exercise during pregnancy can reduce the time of labor and delivery. You may have speedy delivery and even speedy recovery thanks to staying fit during pregnancy. So if your doctor recommends you to exercise, what are you waiting for?

2. Boost your baby’s brain activity

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Montreal in 2013 showed that 20 minutes of moderate exercise, 3 times a week, enhances your baby’s brain power. Before this study, people only know that exercise can increase their brain activity, not their baby’s brain. I think this is a critical reason to exercise while pregnancy.

3. Better sleep

If you have trouble sleeping during pregnancy, especially in the last three months of pregnancy, exercise may help you. Don’t worry most pregnant women have sleep problems at some point, not only you. If you find yourself tossing and turning through the night, talk to your doctor and consider exercising every day.

4. Relieve back pain

Back pain during pregnancy is actually a common complaint of almost all pregnant women. There are several things you can do to treat this pain and exercise is one of them. By working out during your pregnancy you can reduce back pain or even eliminate it. To strengthen your core, you can only do the plank. Don’t lie on your back when you exercise, as this lowers blood flow to your baby

Are you tired of eating pasta?, are your taste buds craving healthy sweet food?

Are you Tired of snacking and eating pasta every time? Check out this amazing 10 foods to suit your mood

           How to eat to match your emotions. 

Whether you want to enhance a good mood or fend off a bad one, choosing your food carefully can help. To find a food to suit every mood, check out these 10 emotions and their accompanying snacks.
Food to suit your mood

1:  Sadness

If you’re feeling in need of a happiness boost, try upping your intake of oily Egusi soup with assorted dried/fresh fish with hot pounded yam
to boost your brain health and mood. Oily fish is not only rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help ward off depression, negativity and mood swings, but wild salmon and tuna are good sources of vitamin B12, which helps to regulate the mood.

Food to suit your mood 2: Fear

Many people suffer from phobias, ranging from the common (like acrophobia – fear of heights) to the obscure (like arachibutyrophobia).
However, it may be that your diet is to blame. Research suggests that folate deficiency may be behind irrational fears and anxiety, so try upping your intake of folate – as well as mood-boosting Omega-3 – by snacking on avocado.

Food to suit your mood 3: Anger

Next time you feel a rage coming on, try reaching for some nuts and seeds to help calm you down. In Nigeria we have different varieties and species and types of nut in the market. Research has shown that Omega-3

deficiency can contribute to aggressive behavior of adult offenders and children with severe behavioural difficulties, while a Japanese study has suggested that zinc may ease anger in women. To up your intake of these nutrients, try opting for walnuts and flax seeds, which contain both zinc and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Food to suit your mood 4: Love

Got a big date coming up and want to get in the mood ? Try some foods rich in zinc to stimulate the libido and enhance desire.
While oysters are a famous aphrodisiac due to their high quantities of zinc, if you’re not a fan of the slimy mollusc, try opting for shellfish which in Nigeria the riverine areas offer this abundant fresh sea food,or if you cant get your hands on one you can easily up to the market and opt for pine nuts or pumpkin seeds instead.

Food to suit your mood 5: Shyness

We all need a confidence boost from time to time, and luckily you can get a helping hand from your diet to relieve shyness. Researchers at McGill University in Montreal found that foods containing tryptophan (an e

ssential amino acid) make people feel more confident. Good sources of tryptophan include meat (particularly chicken), fish such as salmon and tuna, and legumes.

Food to suit your mood 6: Heartbreak

Many people find themselves reaching for chocolate in the face of heartbreak, and this may be no bad thing. Chocolate
contains many chemicals to beat the breakup blues, including relaxing magnesium, calming anandamide and mood-boosting phenylethylamine.  Try snacking on dark chocolate (in moderation!) for the most health benefits.

Food to suit your mood 7: Anxiety

If you’ve got a big interview or presentation coming up, try replacing your morning lipton/coffee/akamu/koko or custard (which can make you jittery) with a calming herbal tea.
The calming effects of chamomile are so powerful that they have been found to reduce symptoms of mild to moderate generalized anxiety disorder, so try a cup of chamomile tea to help calm those last-minute nerves.

Food to suit your mood 8: Stress

Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed by a busy day or are finding it difficult to wind down after work,

try snacking on some blueberries to help cope with stress. Blueberries are high in vitamin C, which can help the body deal with high levels of stress. Also, the super fruit is packed with antioxidants which help to protect your body from its effects.
Food to suit your mood 9: “Brain fog”

If you’re feeling confused, unfocused, forgetful, or like your mind is just running slow, give your brain a boost with a cup of green tea.
As around 80 per cent of the brain is made up of water, drinking any fluids will help keep it hydrated and functioning at optimum levels. However, green tea also helps maintain alertness by regulating blood sugar levels, and helps protect the brain and cut risk of dementia.

Food to suit your mood 10: Lethargy

Whether you’re suffering from a lack of sleep or are generally feeling lethargic, drinking beetroot juice could help revive your energy levels. Beetroot has a high sugar content and many energizing nutrients such as magnesium and vitamin C. Furthermore, researchers at the University of Exeter found that drinking
beetroot juice could enable people to exercise for up to 16 per cent longer so if you are thinking about hitting the gym this will pack up some energy to help you achieve your desired figure and you don't need to avoid eating that delicious plate of pounded yam.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Food & Health: 5 Micronutrients to Optimize your day to day Performance

What supplements should I be taking?

As a health and performance coach to high level entrepreneurs I’m asked this question quite frequently.

The question they should be asking me is what micronutrients should I be taking?

Micronutrients are just vitamins and minerals. If we don’t get enough of them through our food, our health may suffer. Fortunately we can always supplement our diet through… micronutrient supplements.

It’s pretty difficult for anyone to prescribe micronutrient supplements to someone without knowing what they are deficient in, but I have compiled a list of micronutrients that are pretty safe recommendations for anyone who is looking to optimize their physical and mental health.

The 5 micronutrients listed below were chosen for two main reasons.

One: They optimize mental and physical health and are very low risk additions to your daily diet.

Two: These are the micronutrients that most Americans are deficient in.

Here we go, the top 5 micronutrients to optimize performance:

Vitamin D

Health Benefits:

Boosted immune system

Lowered risk of cardiovascular disease

Decreased risk for fatigue

Improved brain development

Promotes healthy bones

Biggest reasons you should care?

Helps you avoid getting sick and can help make you happier.

Recommended daily intake: Between 600 IU – 2000 IU.

Alternative methods to get Vitamin D:

The sun. Go sit outside for 15 minutes a day.

If this isn’t an option for your geographic location then you can eat these foods…




Egg Yolks

Beef Liver

Vitamin B12

Health Benefits:

Boosts energy

Reduces risk for depression and stress

Protects against heart disease

Improves skin, hair and nail health

Helps protect against cancer

Biggest reasons you should care?

More energy and less stress is something all of us need.

Recommended daily intake: Minimum of 2.4 mcg

Alternative methods to get Vitamin B12:

Eat these foods..







Health Benefits:

May boost testosterone levels for men

Supports reproductive health for men and women

Boosts immune system

Boosts brain function

Improves mood

Improves strength and athletic performance

Biggest reasons you should care?

Boosts brain, strength and sexual performance.

Recommended daily intake: Minimum of 9.5 mg

Alternative methods to get Zinc:

Eat these foods…



Pumpkin Seeds



White Mushrooms


Health Benefits:

Helps protect against cancer

Boosts immune system

Improves eye and skin health

Lowers blood pressure

Biggest reasons you should care?

Trace mineral that is often overlooked, but imperative for keeping you physically healthy.

Recommended daily intake: Minimum 100 mcg

Alternative methods to get Selenium:

Eat these foods…

Brazil Nuts



Sunflower Seeds





Health Benefits:

Promotes better sleep

Improves mood

Promotes muscle growth

Alkalizes the body

Improves flexibility

Biggest reasons you should care?

Keeps you healthy, well rested, energized and happy.

Recommended daily intake: Minimum 100 mcg

Alternative methods to get Magnesium:

Eat these foods…



Pumpkin Seeds




Conclusion: If you want to get serious about optimizing your vitamin and mineral consumption you should get your levels checked my your doc. Otherwise, these 5 vitamins and minerals are a great place to start.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


A Complete Guide To Barbell Complexes

Some trends in the fitness industry begin and end as quickly as a race with Usain Bolt, but others stand the test of time, often for good reason: they work.

One trend that has lasted is resistance training circuits (or complexes) for fat loss. When designed and utilised in the right way they are one of the most effective fat loss methods out there (after your diet of course, but I am primarily a nutritionist so I’m biased).
Despite their effectiveness for fat loss, complexes have the added bonus of being about the least boring thing you can do as a form of ‘cardio’ and they also take up very little of your time. To complete a complex, you cycle through a circuit of exercises one after the other, utilising a single barbell, performing all the reps for one before smoothly transitioning to the next. You take a rest, and then you repeat as many times as you can.
Simple, right? Yet mainstream fitness magazines, coaches and websites continue to write complexes that are inefficient and sometimes downright dangerous. They seem to put no thought into the selection of exercises, reps or order whatsoever. In this article we’re going to show you examples of where people go wrong and suggest some useful solutions to help you create the most effective complexes around.

The Standard Complex

The complex below might seem like a reasonable one but when you look a little closer you start to see why it falls short:
  • Dead Lift x 8
  • Squat x 8
  • Push Press x 8
  • Power Clean x 8
The biggest problem with this complex is the position of the power clean: the most technically challenging exercise should always go first and certainly not last, like this one. By putting it last you run the risk of being too tired to perform it with correct form – increasing your risk of injury.
Another problem is that when you have to use the same weight for every exercise you are limited by your weakest exercise: in the scenario about, this is likely the push press. A weight that is challenging for the push press is going to be the complete opposite for the dead lift, thus lowering the fat loss potential of a complex.
Finally, the exercise order raises another problem: by having two lower-body dominant exercises one after the other, you’re always going to get far more out of the first than the second. By using non-competing exercises (ones that utilise different primary muscle groups) after each other you allow one muscle group to work whilst the other rests.

Optimised Complexes

By avoiding the pitfalls above you can create complexes that allow you to maximise fat loss potential whilst minimising the risk of injury and, potentially more importantly, stop you from wasting your time.
The complex above has the same number of reps for each exercise. If you would like to continue to use this method, which is the least complicated, then you have to be smart about your exercise selection.
By using the eight to ten rep maximum for the weakest exercise as a guideline, only chose other exercises that are also going to be challenging at that weight. This is likely to discount some of the big compound movements like the squat and dead lift from your arsenal but don’t despair, with some clever adaptations you can still include them in some form.
By changing the squat to a front/overhead squat or the dead lift to a Romanian/stiff-legged dead lift, you can included them whilst still making them challenging at a lighter weight. An example of this type of complex is below:

Rep-Based Complex Example

  • Power Clean x 8
  • Overhead Squat x 8
  • Push Press x 8
  • Romanian Dead Lift x 8
  • Bent-Over Row x 8
The power clean and overhead squat are the most technically challenging exercises, so they come first. After the power clean the exercises alternate between lower and upper body movements, but you could equally alternate between pushing and pulling movements.
You would repeat this circuit as many times as you can, but if you can still repeat it after fifteen minutes, you’re either not working hard enough or the weight is way too light; this should be one of the hardest but swiftest things you’ve ever done in the gym.
Another excellent way of adapting the rep system is to use descending pyramids. For example, if you’re using a complex with six reps you would complete the first circuit performing six reps for each exercise. After a rest you would then complete the circuit again but this time perform five reps for each movement. Just decrease the reps by one each time until you reach one rep for each.

Finding You Max Reps

If you don’t have a problem with changing the reps of the complex to accommodate the heavier lifts, the following workout might be for you. The idea is to pre-test your max rep range at a pre-determined weight (of your choosing) for each individual exercise, and then form the complex reps around that information.
For example, if you picked a weight of 30kg you might achieve maximum rep figures like these:
  • Snatch – 20 reps
  • Dead Lift – 22 reps
  • Push Press – 15 reps
  • Bent-Over Row – 10 reps
  • Squat – 19 reps
Important Note: Remember that this is purely an example – you should chose a weight you feel comfortable with for the weakest lift, whether it be more or less than 30kg.
Clearly the individual above’s weakest exercise is the bent-over row, in that some of the other exercises they can perform more than double the number of reps with the same weight.

Weight-Based Complex Example

You can see why utilising the same reps for these exercises would be pointless. By tweaking the reps for each movement you can create a complex that is challenging at every point, not just for the weakest exercise. For the person above, the resulting complex might be adjusted to look like this:
  • Snatch x 10
  • Dead Lift x 12
  • Push Press x 7
  • Bent-Over Row x 6
  • Squat x 9
Note that the order of the exercises still follows the non-competing exercises method, using lower then upper body movements to get the most from every movement.
By allowing the change of reps based on strength in each exercise, we create a complex which requires a bit of thought but is vastly more challenging and effective.

Create Your Own Complex

By no means are these the only exercises, orders or rep ranges you can utilise for complexes; you are only limited by your imagination. Just bear in mind the following guidelines:
  1. Exercises that are the most technically challenging come first.
  2. Alternate between non-competing exercises i.e. upper body then lower body, or push then pull.
  3. Your weakest exercise is going to be the basis of the complex, so either use exercises which you have similar strength in or change the reps to make every exercise challenging.
If you follow this advice you can continue to create effective complexes that will allow you to lose fat quicker than practically any other protocol, without having to bore yourself to tears doing hours of steady-state cardio.

Other Exercises Examples

High Skill: Full Clean, Full Snatch and High Pull from the floor.

Moderate Skill: Hang Clean, Hang Snatch, Power Snatch and Front Squat.
Low Skill: Overhead Press and Lunge variations.
These are just SOME examples, there are far more variations/movements that you could incorporate within your complexes. There are plenty of videos of exercise descriptions on Youtube; a quick search should find you all the ones you need and potentially more variations not included here.

Final Word

Complexes are an extremely useful and varied tool for fat loss and conditioning. They’re certainly not boring, require little time and when performed correctly, look pretty damn cool.
However, when performed without any consideration of exercise selection or order of execution they become ineffective and sometimes dangerous, so take a little time to plan them according to your needs. Train hard, but train safe.
If you need help in creating your own individual complex, or you wish to share a barbell complex you currently follow, drop a comment below…

Fara cuisine the fast rising food Restaurant makes what is likely the mainland best plate lunch based on some of the most flavorful Nigerian delicacies we’ve found on the TL.

Just by 3 Akanbi Arimi off brown road Aguda Surulere,
Lagos, is one of the Finest Foodie house  around in lagos. Named after the first initials of the founder, Fara cuisine  has been serving different Nigerian delicacies since 2017.

While most Restaurant out there gives you that restaurant shabi flat fast food and ultra-thin (shaved) beef and undercooked food and not giving you the worth of your money. Fara cuisine  gives you a juicy and tasty meals with non or less condiment on top of a griddle with your jolof or Fried rice, semovita, pounded yam or locally made moimoi or spaghetti jolof with plenty of orishirishi to follow and paying attention to neatness and presentation

When you place an order,  either through a call or via instagram,  twitter handle,or you want it delivered to your door step. Fara cuisine  pays attention to details. "What you want"  "when you want it" and "how you want it made." To your specifications 
ie.  having to request and deliver a satisfaction to your hunger and thirst, they will have you throwing a fist of confidence to the air at your event. so when next you have that function or you re running a tight schedule at work you don't have to worry or panic about what to serve at your occasion or ceremony or even hangout with friends. Then you can lay back relax and also enjoy the feast you organized and be rest assured fara got you covered.

Fara cuisine  delivers a grilled, slice of beef, chicken, Turkey about one centimeter thick with a tasty  spaggeti sourced meal with fresh
array of dressing which makes the meal appeal
to the eye and a delicious crusty crunch to it when u take a bite into the flavorful grilled chicken with a bottle of chilled soda right beside, I mean my brother/sister it get no better than that.

This isn’t to ask for ratings or toppings, they wants to know the degree of doneness. However you like it, they never miss the mark. I always order grilled master chicken/steak piece & jolof/fried rice, the spicing and source used on each side to cook the chicken/steak The result is a seasoned, chicken/lean steak jolof/fried rice meal that is so tender and tasteful, I would tell you not calling to make an order would only downgrade the experience of having a good sumptuous meal.

i would say that Faracuisine brings a professional home cooked meal  experience to occasions. Are u celebrating a birthday, wedding, parties or ceremony, general event name it , fara cuisine will deliver with a vast array of Menu ranging From our local meals such as amala with fresh ewedu soup with correct orishirishi, semovita with egusi/vegetable soup, Eba(gari) with viscose ogbolor soup to jolof, white rice, coconut rice, grilled steak, grilled peppered  chicken, sourced turkey. pastries  and small chops
 Hurry now and make your order, you can call on
 Tel: 08039468317
or follow on Instagram @fara_cuisine

Buying A Suit Guide-Part 2; Colours,Textures & PATTERNS

 Colours, Textures & Patterns                                                              Click here for best deal of the day from konga


Cloth Colour & Design.

  Following on from part one of our guide to buying a new suit, which covered everything you need to know about fabric choice, today, in part two, we’re set to explore colours and patterns.

So, what colour should your suit be? I was working with a client only last week who was extremely keen to explore colour, because he wanted to show his own personal flair. All well and good you might think, but when he arrived he was wearing a burgundy suit. Very cool, there’s no denying, but practical? Versatile? I’m not convinced. He wanted me to be honest, so I was – and I hope I’ve reconfigured his thought process slightly.
Firstly, I want to pre-empt what I’m about to say by pointing out that there may well be a time and place in ‘your world’ where a burgundy suit could be an option. It tends to come down to the industry you are working in – for instance, it would be easier to pull a burgundy suit off if you actually work in a creative industry, such as fashion, rather than the corporate or financial sector.
My point is simple: there are other ways to show off your personal style and create an impact. It doesn’t need to be done by making such a dramatic statement through block-colour. Accessorising and an understanding of colour combinations are the real ways to stand out and make an impression, for all the right reasons.
When it comes to business, I always say that clothes should be there to make you look smart and professional, and not be remarked upon. Imagine going to a networking event and being referred to as the guy wearing ‘that tie’ or ‘that suit’. I defer to someone far more informed, Sir Hardy Amies: “A man should look as if he had bought his clothes with intelligence, put them on with care and then forgotten all about them.” How true.
Business-Appropriate Colours
When creating a professional wardrobe it’s important not to simply buy things ad hoc, but think more strategically. I’ve been asked many a time to help people start from scratch and build a tailoring collection for business, so I like to think I have seen and experienced it all within this realm.
For this purpose there are only really two colours that we use: blue and grey. It’s a simple formula and it might sound boring, but within these two colours lies a wealth of choice and opportunity.
As for black? Some might choose it thinking it’s super refined and sophisticated, but it’s a little too stark for day wear. It’s more suited to evening wear, formal dinners or red carpet events. As for brown, it gives off a more casual air, and consequently is not appropriate for mainstream business environments.
With that in mind, where does variety lie in blue and grey suits? Well, there are a number of textures to consider for a start:
Block-Colour Versions
Serge is a classic twill fabric that has diagonal lines and is often used for suits, blazers, military uniforms and trench coats. It’s a good go-to cloth for your first solid navy suit.
You will find a lot of suits on the high street are a serge. Rich in colour, it’s only negative is that over time it can become shiny. To avoid this, use a cloth over the top of the suit when giving it a press, to protect the fabric.
If the suit does get shiny, just through general wear, the best cure is steam. Without actually ironing over the suit, pump steam from your iron into the fabric and it will help reduce the shine.
Serge Twill Suit Fabric
Pic And Pic/Sharkskin
Also known as skarkskin, pic and pic is a smooth worsted fabric with a soft texture and two-toned woven appearance. Like serge, it’s another classic option.
At a distance this material again looks like a solid/clean colour, but it has more depth due to its different tones.
Often likened to ‘salt and pepper’ it works particularly well in grey tones – a medium grey pic and pic suit combined with a white shirt and navy tie is an absolute winner. A really chic look.
Pic And Pic/Sharkskin Suit Fabric
Heavier Textures
This, as the name suggests, is a design in the shape of a bird’s eye. It promises a conservative aesthetic while exploring texture and subtle two-tone colour.
It can look extremely interesting, and sits well when combined with a shirt and tie that are perhaps more flat in texture.
Due to its heavier nature, it will often only be found on medium to heavy weight suits.
Men's Birdseye Suit Grey Suit
This describes a distinctive v-shaped weaving pattern resembling a broken zigzag. The pattern is called herringbone because it looks like the skeleton of the herring fish.
It gets picked up by the light when wearing it and does make for an eye-catching suit. At a distance it will appear to be a solid colour, but on closer inspection the pattern is recognisable and it certainly brings interest to a plain coloured design.
However, I personally prefer it for smart-casual tailoring in fabrics such as tweed and linen, when the herringbone can be a little wider.
Herringbone Suit Fabric
Patterned Versions
Chalk, Cable, Rope & Pin Stripes
Once you’ve built up a solid collection of block-colours and textures, your next consideration should be a striped suit.
Chalk stripes more often than not come on flannel suits, whereas cable, rope and pin stripes are usually found on worsted options.
When choosing a stripe, bear in mind your own stature. If you are a small frame then don’t choose a stripe that is too strong or wide. It will dominate your aesthetic and can make you appear even smaller.
Men's Striped Suits Outfit Inspiration Lookbook
eton aw14h&m modern classics aw11next aw14hugo boss aw14tommy hilfiger tailored aw14he by mango winter 2014louis copeland aw14windsor aw14Scotch & Soda Atelier Scotch aw14

Although they are currently on-trend, checks should be your last port of call, once you’ve ticked all the other boxes above.
Glen check/plaid is quite often referred to as the Prince of Wales check, after the Duke of Windsor (at the time the Prince of Wales) was seen wearing it on many occasions. If you like the idea of adding a Glen check to your collection, it works well with a lighter shade of suit – mid to light grey or mid to light blue, to be precise. What is worth avoiding are darker greys and navies, because a check design is simply lost and will be far more difficult to make out.
Some designs will have an overlay of another check over the top, which makes the suit or jacket even more sporty. You may well find that a mid-grey or mid-blue suit will feature a blue or red overcheck. They look really smart but to get the most out of it, make sure that you team it with shirt and tie combinations that remain relatively sober. It’s also worth noting that this type of check reduces the suit’s versatility. Perhaps an option for an already established wardrobe.
A check suit is often considered a little more casual, but they can look really smart nonetheless. Combine with solid shirts and ties to really get the most out of them.
Men's Checked Suits Outfit Inspiration Lookbook
mj bale aw14he by mango fall 2014dunhill aw13ted baker aw13windsor aw14sarar aw14jaeger aw13reiss aw14vistula aw14

Final Word
In conclusion, don’t start building your formal wardrobe with brighter hues, heavy stripes and bold checks. Home in on solid blues and greys first and look to vary your choice of textures and weights instead – there is always time to diversify. Be strategic when buying and you will be on the right path.
Once the basic options are in place, then you can look to explore alternative colours, patterns and textures. As for how to express your own personal style within a business environment? Proceed with caution and do it using your choice of shirt and tie or by adding a colourful pocket square to your breast pocket.
Remember, in business there’s a lot to be said for understated elegance.
If you have any questions or queries about purchasing your next suit – particularly when it comes to colour, texture and pattern – drop me a comment below and I will endeavour to help you out…
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My Employer

At a time when job security is scarce, I pause for a moment to appreciate my employer. He is like none other and I am truly blesse...